Safe Alternative Medicine Without Side Effects for Anxiety
Risks of Traditional Medicine
Antidepressant and anti-anxiety medications are commonplace prescriptions these days; some may say too common. It's true that many people do need medical intervention when it comes to their anxiety problems. However, traditional medicine may also come with unwanted side effects, such as nausea, weight gain, sexual side effects, fatigue, insomnia, dizziness, dry mouth, blurred vision, constipation, agitation, restlessness, and even anxiety--just to name a few. That's where alternative and herbal forms of treatment come into play. They may not always be able to completely solve the issues at hand, but oftentimes they can offer an alternative form of treatment that is quite effective and usually has fewer side effects.
Green Tea
Green tea is a safe alternative to traditional medicine for those dealing with mild anxiety. From claims to everything from weight loss to relaxation and calmness, green tea is believed to have many health benefits. Green tea contains L-theanine, which naturally provides a calming effect. It also protects and restores brain vitality, helps to stimulate the immune system, induces a deep state of relaxation and sedation, and helps to promote better sleep.
Chamomile and Valerian Root
Both chamomile and valerian root are known for calming nerves and may have an effect on anxiety. In fact, Valerian root is most often used to help people sleep and should probably be taken at night only. It does have the effect of making people extremely relaxed and sleepy, which can make staying awake in the daytime while taking valerian root difficult. The typical dosage for valerian root is 500 to 1500 mg a day.
Chamomile has been used to calm nerves and anxiety for decades. It's available in supplement form, tea form, herb form and essential oil. Some people simply brew a pot of chamomile tea when they feel anxious, particularly if they are having trouble sleeping. Chamomile is often used as an essential oil in homemade baby products because of the soothing effect it has on babies. If you have ragweed allergies, you should not use chamomile, as it is a relative of ragweed and can cause allergic symptoms.
Herbal Supplements for Anxiety
St. John's Wort and passionflower are both available in supplement form and have been recognized as useful herbal supplements for anxiety (and depression) for many years. A 300-mg dose of each should be taken each day in order to help fend off any negative feelings of anxiety or depression.