All Natural Way to Remove & Kill Head Lice
This method requires an unopened jar of mayonnaise. If the jar is cold, then let it warm to room temperature for a few hours so it will be more comfortable when you put it on your child's head. You also need a large bottle of white vinegar, a shower cap, a fine-toothed comb and shampoo.
Mayonnaise kills lice. Cover your child's entire head with a jar's worth of room-temperature mayonnaise. Leave the mayonnaise on the hair, after you have placed a shower cap over it, for two hours. Then remove the mayonnaise with a fine-toothed comb; this also removes some dead lice and their eggs, nits. Wash the hair with regular shampoo.
After washing your child's hair with shampoo, wash the hair again with plain. white vinegar and rinse it with very warm water. Use water that is warm enough to kill remaining lice and nits but not too warm to burn the child's skin. Use the fine-toothed comb to remove remaining nits and lice on the hair. This combination suffocates lice that are living in the hair and kills the remaining nits, which otherwise will hatch eventually and lead to lice in the hair again.