Natural Remedies for Underarm Odor
Household Products
A number of common household products can help you to eliminate underarm odor. Baking soda, for example, gets rid of odors in your refrigerator and carpet, and it also works on your underarms. Sprinkle a bit of baking soda into your hand and them pat it on your underarms. Periodically reapply throughout the day.
In some cases, bacteria is the main cause for body odor. A hydrogen peroxide solution--the type you can cheaply buy in the drug store--can help with this. Wash your underarms with peroxide at least once a day. White vinegar is another helpful product to get rid of body odor. Put some on a cotton ball and rub it on your arm pits.
Essential oils can also work to eliminate underarm odor. Tea tree oil is an antibacterial agent with a pleasant smell. You can apply the oil directly to your underarms or you can also purchase natural deodorants in a health food store that are based on tea tree oil.
You can also dilute an oil in water and spritz it onto your arm pits. Put about 10 drops of the oil of your choice into 30 ml of water in a small spray bottle. Use as needed throughout the day.
Poor hygiene is a major cause of body odor. If you have issues with your underarms, you may not be showering enough. Especially in summer, you may need to take two showers a day in order to prevent body odor. If it's not feasible to take a shower in the middle of the day, wash only your underarms, using a wet towel.