How to Cure Sarcoptic Mange in Humans With Borax & Peroxide
Things You'll Need
- Hydrogen peroxide
- Borax
Create 1 percent H2O2 solution from the standard 3 percent solution found in drug stores by adding two parts water to one part H202.
Create a borax-H2O2 mixture by dissolving borax into the H2O2 solution to the point of saturation (i.e., as much you can dissolve---approximately 2 tbsp. of borax per 1/2 liter of solution).
Apply the solution to your skin once a day. First clean and dry the skin, then apply the solution to the affected areas (areas with red dots resembling chicken pox); do not apply the solution to open wounds. Next, apply it over the entire body, from the neck down, to prevent the mites from spreading. Do not wash the solution off after application; otherwise, it won't have an effect.
Treat your environment at the same time you apply the borax to avoid reinfestation. Wash all clothes and bedsheets on the hottest washer and dryer settings. If you can't wash iany itemt, place it in a plastic bag for one to two weeks to kill the mites by depriving them of water and food.
Discuss use with a doctor if you are pregnant or breast-feeding. Also consult a doctor before applying this remedy to an infant younger than two months.
See a doctor for a more traditional solution if the red spots continue to spread after three days of application, or if the itching has not begun to diminish after one to two weeks. Do not expect the itching to subside immediately, since the mite corpses and their excrement drive the allergic reaction and take time to degrade.