Home Remedies for Vertigo and Dizziness

People who suffer from vertigo or dizziness feel their sense of balance disrupted. Vertigo can either be subjective, when you feel like you are moving, or objective, when you feel like the room is spinning. Vertigo is one of the most common complaints that doctors hear from their patients.
  1. Focus

    • As you begin to feel lightheaded, focus your gaze on a nearby stationary object. Visual focusing will give your brain the anchor it needs to rebalance. If you feel dizzy while riding a car or in a boat, look at the horizon or distant scenery.

    Salty Foods

    • Salt imbalance can also cause vertigo. This can happen more in the summer when you perspire more. To tackle dizziness, snack on potato chips or pretzels. Relief may not immediate, but once your salt levels are stabilized, the result should be long-lasting.

    Get Away From Video Games

    • The three-dimensional effect of some video games may make you feel lightheaded. When that happens, stop playing and walk away for awhile. Look at real objects until the symptoms subside.

    Get Up Slowly

    • Getting up too quickly from a reclining or recumbent position can cause a temporary drop in blood pressure because of reduced blood flow to the brain. Change your position slowly to give your vessels time to adjust.


    • Sometimes your breathing pattern can make you dizzy. When you hold your breath too long, there is increased concentration of carbon dioxide in your system. When you hyperventilate, or breathe too fast, you exhale more carbon dioxide than normal. So slow your breathing down. Take deeper breaths until symptoms pass.


    • Avoid coffee. Drink plenty of water. Some websites recommend strawberries, yogurt, milk and almonds as remedies for dizziness. If you feel dizzy, take a cocktail of black pepper, lemon juice and salt. It doesn't taste as good, but it helps fight the symptoms.

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