Kidney Stone Remedy With Soda
Drink Plenty of Liquids
The first thing your doctor will most likely tell you is to stay well-hydrated and to drink plenty of liquids. Kidney stones are no fun and can be quite painful. In addition to drinking plenty of water, there are other liquids to drink and you may be surprised to find out exactly what works and what doesn't. Liquids help the stone pass through your system more quickly. Many health care providers have advised in the past to avoid drinking soda to get rid of kidney stones, but now people are finding soda to be beneficial to getting rid of kidney stones.
How Can Soda Cure Kidney Stones?
Soda being linked to the creation of kidney stones is an unfounded idea that has been floating around for many years. Soda does not cause kidney stones to occur, but rather can aid in treating them. Many people who drink a lot of soda tend to avoid drinking the required amount of water. Without water, the body will very likely create kidney stones, so it can be misleading to believe that drinking soda causes kidney stones. In fact, drinking soda does not cause kidney stones, but lack of the right liquid can cause them.
Phosphoric acid dissolves kidney stones naturally. Interestingly enough, phosphoric acid is found in soda. That being said, when someone is experiencing a kidney stone, it may benefit the individual to drink plenty of soda while trying to get rid of them.
Still Important to Drink Right Stuff
The fact that phosphoric acid dissolves kidney stones naturally shouldn't deter someone from drinking the proper amount of water to ward off kidney stones as well as help rid the body of them. Someone trying to get rid of a kidney stone may drink soda and water, trading off with each 16 ounces. For example, drink 16 oz. of fresh water and then 16 oz. of soda and so forth.