What Is a Shaker Machine for Weight Loss?
While it is not clear who first invented the Shaker Machine, it was a popular device well past the 1950s. The original vibrating belt model has been largely dismissed as a tool for effectual weight loss, mainly because it shakes only the mid-section, and doesn't require its user to provide much resistance.
Current Use
Since then, however, many different "shaking" devices have been built and tested, with varying results. In 2007 researchers at Stony Brook University in New York had great success using a modern shaking machine to slim down overweight mice. The mice stood on a platform that vibrated very slightly for fifteen minutes a day. Over a roughly three-month period, they developed twenty-seven percent fewer fat cells than their unshaken counterparts.
Effects Unclear
While it remains unclear whether or not this technique could work for humans, the Stony Brook study has received a lot of attention.
In the Media
There are many websites and magazine ads to be found heralding the weight loss potential of various machines, though most of them have not been reviewed by a major health authority and so should be avoided. By far the greatest successes that shaking machines boast are their apparent ability to help with back and joint pain. The idea is that the vibrations help to re-align bones and muscles, reducing pain and relaxing the patient.
There is currently no hard evidence to suggest that these machines help with weight loss. However, since their inception they have continued to be a popular alternative to pills or dieting.