Natural Chelation Therapy
According to Dr. Larry Altshuler, in his book, "Balanced Healing," chelation therapy primarily uses the drug EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid). This man-made amino acid may be added to certain minerals, vitamins, amino acids and herbs. It is used intravenously and works by binding to toxins, metabolic waste and minerals (such as mercury, lead, arsenic, aluminum, copper and calcium). A compound is then created that leaves the body in the urine.
Natural Cilantro Chelation
Natural chelation therapy uses herbal formulas. Altshuler recommends using a cilantro recipe to clean the arteries and reduce cholesterol levels. The cilantro recipe includes olive oil, garlic, cashews or almonds and lemon juice. Hot water can be added to make a paste. Altshuler recommends taking 1 to 3 Tbsp. per day for two to three weeks. This should be done every few months.
Malic Acid for Natural Chelation
Altshuler also recommends using malic acid in dietary supplement form for natural chelation. Malic acid is an alpha hydroxy acid and is also known as a fruit acid. It is particularly useful in removing aluminum from the body and for the treatment of atherosclerosis. The recommended dosage for oral chelation is 1,200 mg of malic acid taken daily. Malic acid has no known drug interactions.
Intravenous Chelation
Unlike natural chelation therapy, intravenous chelation comes with a number of side effects. Intravenous treatments can deplete the blood of vital nutrients, which must then be supplemented. It can also cause high blood pressure, low blood sugar, clots in the legs and a rash. Intravenous treatments are expensive and can be extensive, requiring 20 to 30 sessions. Sessions are required one to three times per week and can last from one to three hours.
Chelation for Heart Disease
According to the Mayo Clinic, some doctors and alternative practitioners think chelation therapy can be effective for treating or preventing heart disease. Earlier, smaller studies have not supported this belief. Until further studies are done, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not approve chelation therapy. Further, the American Heart Association does not support chelation therapy for the treatment of heart disease.