Alternative Medicines for Triglyceride Levels
Eliminating Sugars
High triglyceride levels result from the low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet often recommended for the treatment of high cholesterol. Though lowering unhealthy fat in your diet will help decrease LDL cholesterol, do not replace the lost fat with carbohydrates from refined sugars. Instead, limit or eliminate all foods made from refined sugar, such as candies, cakes and cookies. Eliminate honey and jams from your diet as well. Replace red meats and deep-fried sources of protein with lean proteins such as chicken and fish. Eliminate or reduce alcohol consumption; alcohol turns to sugar in the body, which raises triglyceride levels. This includes beer and wine, as well as hard liquor.
Use fish oil supplements to lower triglyceride levels and encourage heart health. Although fish oil supplementation may cause increased LDL cholesterol levels, the overall effect on triglycerides may outweigh the problem. Fish oil supplements also provide the omega 3 essential fatty acids your body requires for proper functioning.
Flax seed oil and walnut oil also contain healthy omega 3 fatty acids, but they may work as effectively as fish oil; use these oils if you cannot take fish oil supplements.
Vitamin B3 or niacin may also help to lower triglyceride levels. Take niacin only under the supervision of a doctor.
Exercise and Weight Loss
Lose weight for yet another positive effect on your triglyceride levels. Engage in a regular exercise program that includes 30 minutes of weight-bearing exercise at least five days a week to help lower your overall cholesterol levels. Exercise has a positive impact on many health issues. If you cannot exercise for 30 straight minutes, break the workout down into 10-minute increments until you can reach the 30-minute goal.