Effects of Infrared Light on Staph Infections
Infrared Light
Infrared light is felt as heat All light is measured by the size of its wave length. The wave goes up and down; up and down. The light wave is measured by the amount of space in between each wave peak. For example, the color red has a longer wave length than the color purple. Radio waves, on one end of the electromagnetic spectrum, are comparable in size to the length of a football field where Gamma rays, on the opposite end of the spectrum, are comparable in size to the nucleus of an atom. Infrared light has a wave length slighter longer than the human eye can see; however is sensed every time heat from the sun is felt.
Infrared light activates cells According to Johns Dental Laboratories, extensive electromagnetic spectrum staph bacterium research, using infrared light therapy on staph bacterium has several benefits. One such advantage is that the therapy multiplies new capillaries which increase circulation. This quickens the pace of the healing process due to the added oxygen and nutrients going to the affected area. Light therapy also induces the body to produce collagen which is a critical protein in tissue repair. ATP (adenosine triphosphate) production increases energy being carried to cells preparing them to accept nutrition and release waste. Infrared light therapy also helps to calm nerve endings and reduce pain, as well as stimulates the phagocyte cells (cleaner cells) to remove deteriorated and dead cells from the body.
Side Effects
Research shows infrared therapy is safe Research as of 2009 shows no major side effects from infrared therapy. After treatment, the body is working toward equilibrium, and this adjustment may cause some mild discomfort that typically passes in about 24 hours. Some patients may experience slight depression, mood swings or anxiety which can be alleviated by contacting a health care professional.
Reveal all medications being taken Infrared light therapy is a relatively new way to treat staph bacterium, and should only be used in a controlled environment under the supervision of a trained professional. Notify the health care practitioner of all prescription medications being taken and any over the counter medications including ibuprofen, Aleve, acetaminophen, vitamins and supplements.
Staph infections drain energy According to Medline Plus, a service of the National Library of Medicine and National Institute of Health, staph infections on the skin are recognized by noticing an area that is warm, red, swollen, or has pus or other fluids/abscess and may be accompanied by a fever.
A more severe staph infection may be accompanied by a rash, chest pains, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, fever, chills, body aches and a general sense of not feeling well.