How Old Should You Be Before Taking HGH?

Human growth hormone, better known as HGH, has been said to reverse aging. Children and adults are eligible to take the hormone, when there is a deficiency in the body. According to "The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Anti-Inflammation Diet," having an abundance of human growth hormone could actually decrease life expectancy, as observed in a study with animals. On the other hand, the Mayo Clinic states HGH has a variety of benefits for people of all ages.
  1. Defining HGH

    • HGH is an important hormone and happens to be the largest protein in the body. According to the Mayo Clinic, HGH is used to fuel childhood growth and also helps maintain tissues and organs throughout your life.

      Once you begin to age, the hormone ceases to be produced in such high levels, which has therefore made many question if HGH injections could reverse aging. There has been little evidence from reliable sources to prove, or disprove, the effects of HGH.

    Age Requirements for HGH

    • There is no age requirement for HGH. According to Vanderbilt University, HGH injections were first created to treat children whose growth was stunted due to a lack of human growth hormone produced by their pituitary gland. HGH injections are beneficial for children who need help growing; however, it is dangerous to give HGH to children who have an adequate supply, because it can cause serious side effects, according to Vanderbilt University.

      There is little evidence from reliable, nonbiased sources that HGH has any true benefits for adults. Although, according to the Mayo Clinic, HGH injections for adults are said to be beneficial, stating the injections have been proven to increase exercise capacity, muscle mass and bone density. HGH is also said to decrease body fat in adults which had a HGH deficiency.
      Furthermore, the Mayo Clinic states that HGH is also being used to help suffering adults cope with muscle wasting related to AIDS.

      HGH can come with side effects, regardless of age. According to Vanderbilt University side effects can include stomach pains, ear infection, blurred vision, headache, vomiting, rashes, premature breast enlargement, joint pain (which contradicts claims at reducing inflammation) and swelling of limbs.

    Taking HGH

    • HGH can be administered through injections. According to "The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Anti-Inflammation Diet," the injections require not only a doctor's prescription but also administration by a doctor. According to, HGH injections cost approximately $15,000 per year and are not covered by health insurance.

      A less expensive alternative to HGH injections are HGH supplements in pill form. Many companies market the growth hormone in a pill form with promises of improvements for many age-related problems, although claims of HGH benefits have not been scientifically proven yet.

      Remember to consult your doctor before taking any supplements, regardless of age.

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