Yoga Visualization Exercises
Laya Yoga Meditation
Sit or recline in a comfortable position with your spine straight and tall. Sit in a cross-legged or full lotus pose if possible. Roll your shoulders back and tuck your chin slightly to elongate your spine. Start breathing full, long breaths and begin to imagine the breath spiraling down your spine with the inhale and spiraling back up with the exhale. If you find it difficult to imagine what your breath looks like, see it as a bright white light, traveling like DNA up and down your spinal column.
With the breath still flowing, bring your attention to the base of your tailbone. See a red light circling with the energy of your breath. Move your focus up about three inches to the space just below the belly button. See clear, orange light. In the solar plexus, the area just below the sternum, see a yellow or golden light. As you move up your body, imagine each previous light growing stronger with the ignition of the next. In your heart center, visualize a green or pink glow, and a light blue radiance in the throat center. Continue breathing even more slowly and deeply while seeing a violet luminosity in the third eye or brow center. At the crown of your head, see a white light, and perhaps even the glowing bloom of a lotus flower. (See Reference 2)
Kundalini Projection Exercise
Lie down on your back or sit in lotus pose with a straight spine, palms relaxed and facing up. Focus your attention on the space just above your body. Look down and see yourself from above. Slowly bring your awareness up another foot or two. Take a slow, deep breath and go up another few feet. See yourself relaxed and peacefully sitting or lying on the floor. Go up through the ceiling and look down at the roof of your building.
See the city or neighborhood around you from an aerial view. Slowly continue rising up incrementally with each breath. Rise up more to see the entire coast line, the continent and the oceans. Slip easily out of the atmosphere and find a comfortable orbit around the earth. Enjoy the feeling of floating weightlessly and gaining the perspective of seeing the world from afar.
After a satisfying interval, come back down the way you came up; slowly and peacefully come back into your body. Stretch your body and open your eyes. (See Reference 2)