Native American Pain Remedies
When your back is hurting, your whole body practically shuts down. It is difficult to walk, breathe, and perform daily tasks. According to, there are a few Native American remedies for backaches. Horsemint and gentian are natural herbs that the Catawba Tribe used to treat this ailment. For gentian, the Catawba steeped the roots in hot water to create a solution which they then applied directly to the back while hot, but not so hot as to burn the skin. For the horsemint, the Catawba crushed the leaves of this herb and steeped it in cold water which they then drank to relieve the pain.
Healing Salve
Calendula blossoms and slippery elm bark were used by Native Americans to create a healing salve. The salve could be used for burns, rashes, and small cuts and scrapes. To make this salve, you need to simmer the calendula blossoms, ground slippery elm bark, and chopped ginger root in two cups of water for half an hour. After simmering, strain the liquid mixture and return it to the pot. Add sunflower oil in a part equal to the amount of liquid in the pot, and simmer for three hours. Next, add one ounce of beeswax, a tablespoon of honey, and a quarter ounce of vitamin E oil. Stir it constantly and remove it from the heat. Pour into a small container before it hardens. When the mixture cools, you can apply it to your skin as a salve.
Other Pain Remedies
Other Native American pain remedies include using the root bark of Wild Black Cherry to make a tea. This remedy was used as both a sedative and as a way to relieve pain during child birth. Pennyroyal leaves were also steeped in a tea which could then be consumed. Pennyroyal tea relieves the pain associated with headaches.