Homemade Cancer Cures
Dr. Budwig Diet
German biochemist and expert on lipids and oil, Johanna Budwig noted studied the benefits of flaxseed oil and quark, a German cottage cheese with live bacteria, had on cancer patients. She believed hydrogenated fats caused cancer. The diet consists of mixing in a blender 3 tbsp. flaxseed oil with 3/4 cup of quark or cottage cheese for every 100 lbs. of body weight and taken daily. This is the core of her cancer diet. Eliminate all hydrogenated oils, meat and anything with sugar.
Edgar Cayce
Edgar Cayce diagnosed and recommended treatment for people he never met. One of his cancer cures was the almond, also recommended later in the Kelley Almond diet. Cayce suggested that people with cancer eat several almonds each day and substitute it for meat. Citrus juice should be the biggest part of breakfast, raw vegetables for lunch, and dinner is closer to normal with cooked fruits and vegetables, almonds, of course, and a grain product. Cayce recommended avoiding milk.
Cabbage Soup Diet
Today people use cabbage soup as a quick way to lose weight and perhaps prevent cancer. In Europe, cabbage soup was an old wives method of curing what ails you, including cancer. Here's a version updated by Dr. Ben Kim with the addition of miso. Combine a small head of cabbage, with water or vegetable broth, chopped celery, onion, carrot, broccoli or cauliflower. Cook until tender then add some garlic and turn off the heat. If you like the taste, mix a little miso with a small amount of broth to thin and mix with the soup.
Scientists at Ohio State University discovered that the anthocyanins in deeply color fruits and vegetables, such as blueberries, purple grapes or beets, contained cancer-fighting properties. One diet focuses on juicing and blending these fruits and vegetables as a cancer diet. While some of the diets using blended highly-colored fresh fruits and vegetables suggested you never mix fruits with vegetables, others noted it didn't matter. If the protection and cancer-fighting agent was the anthocyanins that give the color, it shouldn't matter, note other sites.
Johanna Brandt Grape Fast
Similar to the Purple/Reds/Orange/Blue diet, the grape diet is far stricter in what you can and cannot consume. It's a double fasting diet. 12 hours of each day is a water fast and 12 hours of each day you eat blended to a pulp concord seeded grapes throughout the day and water. You do this for 5 weeks and then spend a week eating any fresh fruit or vegetable you want and repeat the grape diet one more time. Another similar diet is the carrot/beet cancer diet for diabetics.