How to Unclog Ears Due to a Head Cold

Being congested from a head cold can be a terrible feeling. Its hard to breathe, hear and your head feels like it's going to explode at any minute. Although you can use medication to clear up your sinuses, you need to take something else to help unclog your ears so at least you can hear the outside world a little better. Because a head cold is different from a buildup of ear wax, you need to use a slightly different remedy than the typical hydrogen peroxide.

Things You'll Need

  • Doctor's brandy
  • Ear dropper
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    • 1

      Lie down on one of your sides. It doesn't matter which ear you start with. To apply the doctor's brandy, it would be helpful to have someone else administer it, although it is possible to do it yourself.

    • 2

      Apply a few drops to the inside of your ear. Make sure they are dropped directly into your ear canal and not on the outside of the ear.

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      Stay on your side for around 10 minutes. It is important that you do not tilt or move your head. The doctor's brandy is going to help clear up and break down the mucus deposit in your ear.

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      Turn over onto your other side and reapply the doctor's brandy to the other ear. Likewise you want to make sure not to turn your head and keep the medication in the ear for the 10 minutes.

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