HGH Buyers Guide
What is HGH?
HGH is human growth hormone, which is an important hormone in your body that fuels growth during childhood and adolescence. According to the Mayo Clinic, HGH is also the largest protein in a person's body which continues to maintain tissues as well as organs during adulthood (see Reference 1).
As a person begins to age, the amount of HGH the pituitary gland produces will begin to decrease, which has raised the question of whether HGH could, in a sense, reverse aging.
HGH Injections
HGH injections are noted as being beneficial by the Mayo Clinic; the clinic states injections of HGH have been proven to increase muscle mass as well as bone density. Exercise capacity was also expected to rise and body fat was said to decrease, in adults with a deficiency of HGH (see Reference 3).
There are several drawbacks to HGH injections. According to "The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Anti-Inflammation Diet", the injections require a prescription and a doctor to administer them (see Reference 3). Furthermore, injections of human growth hormone cost over $15,000 each year and are generally not covered by insurance companies, according to True Med MD.com (see Reference 2).
HGH Supplements
For a cheaper alternative to HGH injections, many companies sell the HGH supplement in a pill form. These companies make claims of improvements for several age-related symptoms, including menopause, inflammation and loss of energy. Unfortunately, these claims are biased (because they come directly from the selling companies) and have not been scientifically proven.
Example of companies which sell HGH supplements are HGH ME (see Resource 1) and Sytropin HGH (see Resource 2), but there are many others.
Beneficial or Not?
There is little information from reliable and unbiased sources proving, or disproving the legitimacy of claims that HGH can reverse aging. "The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Anti-Inflammation Diet" claims that increased HGH can actually decrease life expectancy, as proven in a study with animals (see Reference 3). On the other hand, the Mayo Clinic boasts about the benefits of the hormone by stating HGH has been approved to aid adults who have AIDS and muscle wasting (see Reference 1).
It is important to note that HGH does cause a number of side effects, including joint and muscle pain (which seems to be in opposition of claims that HGH can decrease inflammation) and swelling which tends to occur in a person's arms and legs. Before you take any HGH supplement or injection, talk with your personal health care provider.