Tourmaline Detox Foot Patches
Tourmaline is a crystal silicate mineral that is classified as a semi-precious gem and is commonly used as jewelry. Besides being an attractive gemstone, tourmaline does have some unique electrical properties, demonstrating negative and positive qualities when heated, put under pressure and rubbed. It also transmits negative ions and far infrared heat.
Tourmaline has been used for thousands of years as talismans and amulets worn for health benefits and prescribed for medical conditions and illnesses such as joint pain, muscle pain, depression and insomnia, according to Dr. Robert B. Finkleman of the U.S. Geological Survey.
Foot Patches
Detox pads or patches are adhesive patches you apply on the soles of your feet. Place the detox foot patch on your feet overnight; in the morning when the patches are removed they will be discolored with an unpleasant odor supposedly from released toxins and impurities from your body. The soiled patches will be brown to gray in color and when consecutively wearing them over a period of time you should notice an improvement in the amount of discoloration and the odor. Reflexology and pressure points of the feet correlated to certain body organs is the reasoning used to back up the claims that detoxification can be done by the feet with the mixture of natural vinegars, botanicals and tourmaline.
The extra element of adding tourmaline to detox foot patches is considered to warm the feet and cause sweating of the feet. Tourmaline detox foot patch manufacturers claim that the negative ions produced from the tourmaline increase alpha brain waves and produce cleansing energy on your nervous system. There are no independent scientific studies to verify that detox foot pads do what they claim.
According to and ABC's 20/20, foot detox patches are a scam. Used patches were tested at the NMS Labs, a national laboratory in Pennsylvania, and no heavy metals or toxins were found on the pads. Applying distilled water to the clean unused patches caused the same odor and discoloration as the ones used on feet overnight. Science tells us that toxins and heavy metals cannot be released by the body through the skin; it is a job for the digestive system, liver and kidneys.
Many people in search of natural medicines and alternatives to modern science may feel differently and believe that tourmaline detox foot patches are a benefit to their general health.
There are no known dangers or risks besides the slight possibility of having an allergic reaction to the ingredients in the detox pads. Read the ingredient label if you plan on using detox foot patches.