Original Rife Machine Information
Time Frame
Rife first brought his Electron Microscope device to public attention in the 1930s, with which he claimed to be able to see disease pathogens.
The early original Rife machines were designed to see pathogenic organisms by way of illuminating them with light frequencies that matched their own and caused them to glow.
Rife claimed to cause the organisms to burst or die if he turned up the intensity of the frequencies, leading him to begin experimenting with machines designed to produce electronic frequencies designed to target microscopic organisms.
In an interview with Royal Rife in 1960, Rife claimed that his machine could kill the organisms responsible for tetanus, typhoid, pneumonia, tuberculosis, carcinoma and many other conditions.
Rife's claims about his machine have never been independently verified and a recent resurgence in use of Rife machines has become controversial. In 1997, a woman was sued for giving Rife machine treatments to patients with cancer and was fined $50,000.