Home Remedy for an Over Active Bladder
Scheduling Urination
Once it has been determined that there is not an underlying medical condition responsible for overactive bladder, you can begin using home remedies to treat the condition. Scheduling urination is one of the remedies that can be accomplished without medication or medical treatment.
Scheduling urination is simply a matter of planning the times of day when you will urinate. When suffering with an overactive bladder many people go as soon as they feel the sudden urge. The schedule that you create should be for the same time every day. Plan to schedule your bathroom breaks every two to three hours during the day. It might be necessary to monitor your fluid intake in the beginning stages of scheduling your urination.
Training the Bladder
Training the bladder is done at the same time as scheduling. In the beginning, you will have to delay the urge to urinate until it is your scheduled time. You may have to start slow with 10-minute delays until you can reach the two to three hour interval between scheduled bathroom trips.
Delaying urination helps to teach your bladder to wait and can begin to control the overactive muscles that are responsible for an overactive bladder. You must be consistent in your training for the new schedule to work for the condition.
Kegel Exercises
Frequently when someone suffers from an overactive bladder, incontinence is also experienced. These accidents can be embarrassing and cause social problems for many people. Weakened muscles in the pelvic floor are responsible for this incontinence.
Practice Kegel exercises to better control the muscles in the pelvic floor. Begin by stopping urination the next time you are in the bathroom. The muscles that are used to stop your urine flow are the same muscles that you will be exercising.
Contract these muscles for four seconds and relax. Perform 10 contractions for one set of Kegel exercises. Do at least 10 sets of exercises every day to build the pelvic muscles. Kegels can be performed anywhere, such as sitting at your desk or while you are watching television.