Effectiveness of TENS in Pain Suppression
Pain Management with a TENS Unit
TENS (transcutaneous electro-nerve stimulation) describes a small device, about the size of a transistor radio, that controls several nerve stimulators that are each attached to the skin via a sticky patch. An electrical current is then put through these patches, which drive the current beneath the skin to the muscle, joint or tendon that is causing pain. This current scrambles the message that goes to the brain from the nerve; it would normally send a message that a certain area is experiencing pain and you would perceive pain. However, the TENS current scrambles the message and all the brains receives is a pleasant, mild sensation that isn't a pain signal. The electrotherapy also signals the brain to release endorphins, which naturally relieves pain.
Obtaining a TENS Unit
You should talk with your care provider to see if a TENS unit could help your specific pain. If so, your provider will have to write a prescription for you to obtain one. Your provider will instruct you on how to use it properly. You should never use a TENS unit if you are pregnant, have a pacemaker, high blood pressure, diabetes or have metal plates or pins in your body.
Some insurance companies will cover the cost of a TENS unit if your provider prescribes one. The cost of a TENS unit ranges from $200-800, depending on features.
How a TENS Unit Works
According to Medcare Service, using a TENS unit is like taking an electronic aspirin. The electronic waves signal the release of endorphins in the brain, which are powerful and natural painkillers. The electronic waves also shut down or suppress pain signals to the brain. These two natural defenses of the body, stimulated by the TENS unit, can have a huge impact on pain. Another interesting fact is that the release of endorphins also relieves pain in other parts of the body; for instance, if you were using a TENS unit for muscle pain of a shoulder injury and you also have a headache, use of the TENS unit will release endorphins that relieve the pain of both, even though you are only using it for one. The effectiveness of using a TENS unit lasts for many hours after treatment, and in many cases, the effect is seen even after one or two treatments.
There have been numerous studies on the pain relieving effects of using a TENS unit, but they are inconclusive for various reasons. One conclusion reached by many studies is that anyone who is experiencing chronic pain might be well advised to rent a TENS unit and see if it works. It is important to note that TENS units are not to be used for acute pain, unless under a doctor's order.
The only noted side effect is irritation of the skin beneath the sticky pads that hold the electrodes to the skin.