The Effects of Massage Therapy on Adrenal Exhaustion
Symptoms of adrenal exhaustion include mood swings, the inability to sleep or fight disease, depression, fatigue and lack of interest in life. Eventually, adrenal exhaustion can lead to problems with your thyroid and metabolism.
Massage Therapy
The MassageTherapy website defines massage therapy as "the application of various techniques to the muscular structure and soft tissues of the human body." This means kneading the muscles and soft tissue and pressing down on different areas in order to increase the blood flow and relax the body. Different techniques might include vibration, oil therapy and aromatherapy.
Effectiveness of Massage Therapy
While massage therapy will relieve stress temporarily, it's like applying a Band-Aid to your condition. It's important to address the underlying cause. To improve function of your adrenal glands, you need to improve your life. Your adrenal glands are not the only thing being affected by extreme stress in your body. Your overall health depends on dealing with the problem.
Once you have determined the underlying cause, massage therapy is one way to regain your healthy status. It's also a way to pamper yourself if you feel overtaxed or stressed out. Massage therapy could be effective in preventing adrenal exhaustion and promoting relaxation.
Some Additional Things to Consider
Other things you can do to alleviate adrenal exhaustion might be to increase your exercise and follow a healthy diet that includes protein. Limit your sugar intake. Take a multivitamin supplement to help your body cope with stress. Get some sun, which is an abundant source of vitamin D. Try to follow a routine for sleep to avoid restlessness. Overall, keeping yourself healthy is the best defense against and cure for adrenal exhaustion.