How to Improve Mind Power
Things You'll Need
- 1 Picture Book (the book should be unfamiliar to you)
- 1 Notepad
- 1 Pen
Developing Concentration
Find a quiet space.
Pick a subject or object to focus on.
Set the subject before your mind's eye. Or if you chose an object to focus on, set the object in front of you.
Deliberate upon that subject or object. And every time your mind wanders away from it (which it will), bring your thoughts back to the subject or object you've chosen.
Repeat this exercise daily. Increasing the amount of time you spend in deliberate concentration by small increments. Five minutes to seven minutes, seven minutes to eight minutes--and so on, up to thirty minutes. Only increase your time, however, when you are able to hold your focus successfully, uninterrupted, for the previous set goal time.
Enhancing Attention
Open your picture book to a random page.
Take a brief look at the image (8 to 10 seconds), then turn the book face down, marking your page in the book.
Get your pen and notepad, and write down everything that you remember about the image from the book. Spare no detail.
Turn the book over and compare your notes to the image. Make a mental note of all the details you missed.
Repeat this exercise daily. With practice and persistence, you'll find that you will be able to notice many details in unfamiliar images even from a simple glance.
Sharpening Perception
Pick an object.
Find a quiet space and take your object, a pen and notepad to your space.
Spend ten minutes writing down everything you notice about your object (its size, shape, color, scratches, wear and tears, smell and texture). Be as detailed as you possible.
Repeat this exercise daily using the same object, expanding on your list each day. With a little patience and persistence, you'll find that you will be able to perceive the minutest of details about your chosen object.