Types of HGH
Some claim that HGH therapy can help renew youth and vitality.
HGH Injections
Formerly illegal in the United States, HGH injections are now available with a prescription. HGH injections have been around for decades and were originally developed for children with growing disorders. It is still used primarily for this reason but is also used for anti-aging and longevity purposes. HGH injections are one of the most expensive drugs available and are produced by most major pharmaceutical companies.
HGH Sprays
HGH sprays don't require a prescription and are considered to be one of the safest and most popular type of HGH therapy because it is administered in minute doses. HGH sprays are also considered releasers because they can help the pituitary gland to produce healthier human growth hormones. However, homeopathic sprays do not help the pituitary gland to increase the amount of growth hormones that it produces. In other words, sprays don't produce more human growth hormones, they just produce healthier ones.
HGH Releasers
HGH releasers are also labeled as precursors or enhancers. Like HGH sprays, HGH releasers require no prescription. HGH releasers are considered to be a safe and natural and include amino acid pills, tablets, capsules and powder products. This type of HGH is absorbed in the digestive tract and can be bought in health food stores as they are considered to be dietary supplements by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Benefits of HGH Therapy
Some claim that the benefits of HGH therapy include improved sexual potency, increased muscle mass, decreased body fat, increased exercise capacity, improved skin tone such as reduction of cellulite and wrinkles, improved mood, hair growth, energy, vision, memory, cholesterol, blood pressure, concentration and alertness, and increased vitality, energy, stamina, bone density and muscle mass.
Side Effects
According to the Mayo Clinic, the side effects of HGH therapy may include swelling in the arms and legs, joint pain, muscle pain and, in men, enlargement of breast tissue. Additionally, HGH therapy may also be play a part in diabetes and heart disease.