Slant Board Therapy & Back Pain
Find an Inversion Therapist
Working with a trained therapist for inversion therapy is the best way to find out if the method is right for you. Before investing in a slant board of your own, take the time to research the therapy and try it with a therapist who can show you the proper methods and exercises that will relieve back pain.
The treatment is controversial in the medical community and many believe those suffering from high blood pressure or heart disease should not use the treatment. The treatment provides only temporary relief from back pain and is not a cure for back problems. Discuss the risks of slant board therapy with your doctor before proceeding with the treatment.
Buying a Table
If slant board therapy provides relief from your particular back pain, buying a table is the next logical step. This allows you to use the slant board whenever you need relief from pain.
Inversion tables or slant boards are available wherever you can buy exercise equipment. The prices for these tables vary according to the quality of the board and the brand name that you choose. Some inversion tables fold for easy storage if space is a problem in your home.
To find the right table for your back pain needs, consider the cost of the table and the space that you have available in your home. Choose a model that is safe for home use.
Exercises for Back Pain Relief
Inversion therapists recommend strengthening abdominal muscles in addition to slant board therapy. The slant board can provide temporary relief, but strengthening muscles can lead to a permanent solution to back pain.
Swimming is a strength-building exercise that limits the amount of impact on the joints. This type of exercise will help build the strength in nearly every muscle in the body, including the stomach. Strong stomach muscles help relieve the pressure of back pain.