Feng Shui Cures for Headaches
Understanding Feng Shui
In "Feng Shui for the Classroom: 101 Easy-to-Use Ideas," Renée Heiss explains that Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese system for arranging the rooms in one's home or office. Feng Shui techniques are aimed at creating an atmosphere of balance and harmony, and in rearranging a room so that it is in full agreement with nature, the elements, and energy vibrations. Learn the art of Feng Shui yourself from books, or hire an expert in Feng Shui to come in and assess your home or office. The Feng Shui expert will advise you on changes to your décor and furniture arrangements to create a healthy, harmonious atmosphere, and experience less stress and tension, which might be responsible for headache onset.
Electromagnetic Energies and Feng Shui
In "Feng Shui for Life: Mastering the Dynamics between Your Inner World and Outside Environment," author Jon Sandifer explains that electromagnetic fields disrupt Feng Shui harmonious energies. Electromagnetic fields are generated by electrical appliances, and overexposure to such fields can produce problems with headaches, memory loss, and fatigue. Sources of high electromagnetic fields include televisions, refrigerators, microwaves, cookers, stereos, digital clocks, computers, electric blankets, electric razors, and other electrical gadgets and appliances. To reduce headaches, unplug electrical appliances when not in use, and position furniture at least two feet from electrical appliances to minimize the effect of electromagnetic fields.
Exposed Beams
In "Feng Shui in Five Minutes," author Selena Summers explains that exposed beams in architecture might be desirable, aesthetically speaking, but they are actually bad for Feng Shui principles; they upset the energies within a room. Exposed beams that support a structure are believed to suppress qi energies, the energies that flow through your body and the room, and further produce headaches and irritability in those sitting or resting beneath them. The author suggests Feng Shui alterations to eliminate the bad energies produced by exposed beams: lower the ceiling and put in ceiling tiles, or place quartz crystals on the beams to balance out the room's energies and to reduce issues with headaches and irritability.
Slanted Ceilings
In "Feng Shui Your Life," author Jayme Barrett explains that slanted ceilings in your home or office may cause headaches because the ceilings cause energy to flow downward. The author suggests hanging a silk canopy over the area to hide the slant, or hanging a quartz crystal to remedy headache conditions.