Importance of Breathing Properly
The body uses the oxygen carried into the lungs with each breath to metabolize food and turn it into energy. Each inhalation infuses the blood with oxygen that provides life to every cell in the body, while each exhalation carries away toxins, such as carbon dioxide. Proper breath improves oxygen density in the blood, proper nervous system and immune system function. The quality of each breath ensures healthy cardiovascular, psychological and energetic function.
Improper breathing usually comes in the form of shallow or upper lung breathing. The upper lung only contains about 20 percent of the lung's blood vessels. Lack of proper breathing can accelerate the aging process, weaken the immune system and inhibit energy production. Stress, fatigue, obesity, hypertension, inflexibility and poor mental function are just a few of the symptoms of poor breathing habits. More serious problems such as sleep apnea, asthma and emphysema impede the body's natural breathing mechanisms.
According to researchers at Penn State, the normal resting rate of breathing for adults is eight to 16 breaths per minute, yet even slower, deeper breathing is optimal. Research with a formula of six breaths per minute has shown mental and physical benefits. Breathing through the nostrils is also important, since the tiny hairs in the nasal cavity filter toxins. Nostril breathing is the most effective way to maintain the proper balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood.
Every type of exercise program has its own intrinsic breathing techniques. In swimming, the breath is carefully coordinated with each stroke to ensure optimum oxygen intake. During heavy weightlifting, the natural response is to hold the breath and push against the glottis. While this method is encouraged by many trainers, it has proven to have negative effects on blood pressure. Proper breathing during aerobic exercise and competitive sports can mean the difference between winning or losing; it is key to endurance and system function.
Various forms of breathing associated with yoga have received attention for their healing and life-improving properties. Pranayama is the study and practice of specified breathing activities that are acclaimed with properties of healing, balance and longevity. Some yoga researchers have found that alternate nostril breathing may decrease psychological and physiological symptoms by positively affecting the metabolism and autonomic activities. Breath of fire, a rapid and powerful "panting" through the nose, helps purify the blood, while long deep breathing calms and balances mind and body.