Healing With Music & Sound
Although sound and music therapy have been around for a long time, this form of therapy became widely used in the United States after World War II, when music was used to help wounded soldiers get better, both physically and mentally.
Music therapists are trained professionals who use music to heal the body physically, mentally and socially. Two of the ways this therapy is used are: focused listening, when the patient focuses on specific aspects of the music, such as the drums, and toning and humming, which stretches the vocal chords with different variations of sounds to release stress.
How It Works
The human ears are designed for hearing and to help balance the body. The ears gather information before it reaches the brain and, from there, affects the whole body.
Music therapy can be used in conjunction with meditation to heal the mind and soul. Relaxing music, a silent room and some time to meditate can relieve stress, anger and headaches.
Music therapy can give the patient a sense of self, allowing him to express himself more clearly because of his relaxed state, free of stress and worry. It also helps with creativity. Participating in music therapy will inspire the patient and free the creative blockages in her mind.