Chelation Therapy Ingredients
Early Chelation
According to the Creighton University Medical Center website for complementary and alternative medicine, chelation was used in World War II to treat arsenic poisoning. Dimercaprol was used to remove the poison from the blood stream. After the war, heavy metal poisoning was treated with EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid), to remove lead and mercury from the system. This lead to the use of chelation as a chemotherapy for patients exposed to radiation.
Chelating Agents
EDTA is molecule used in chelation therapy for patients with blocked arteries. The molecule binds with plaque and helps eliminate plaque buildup. Deferoxamine is used in chelation therapy for iron toxicity and for breast cancer patients. Dr. Bowden of the Creighton University Medical Center states that dexrazoxane, a derivative of EDTA, is used for breast cancer patients to chelate toxic levels of treatment drugs.
Holistic Uses of Chelation
EDTA is used in a number of chelation therapies as a holistic application as well. Chelation with EDTA can be applied for cellular damage, toxic calcium absorption and high cholesterol levels that contribute to the buildup of arterial plaque. Other applications may include blood clotting conditions, cancer and depression. According to John Cranton of the Mount Ranier Clinic, some of the ingredients included in these holistic chelation therapies are sodium bicarbonate, vitamin C, magnesium sulfate, folic acid, pyridoxine (vitamin B6), cyanocobalamin (synthetic vitamin B12) or hydroxycobalamin (a form of vitamin Bl2).
Chelation Additives
When chelation therapy is used, there are often additional components in the mixture. These may include vitamins and drugs such as heparin. Chelation therapy is commonly administered through an IV drip with fluids.
A number of medical concerns are associated with chelation therapy that patients should be aware of. Chelation therapy may inflame veins, create kidney toxicity by working too well and creating excessive waste, remove too much calcium from the body and create insulin imbalances.