Self Massage Techniques
Massage your head and face to stimulate mental clarity and improve focus. Head and facial self massage methods help ease fatigue and headaches. Licensed massage practitioner Carol Wiley describes simple steps to massage your head and face. Walk your fingers down your face from your hairline. Then transition to circling and stroking your head and face, feeling your muscles loosen from your hairline to your jaw. If you feel pain at any point, stop massaging. Consult a massage therapist or a physician for further help.
Release tense neck muscles by repeating a basic self-massage technique. Use this method to massage from the neck upward to the top of your head. Wiley describes the firm, but not painful, squeezing and releasing motions, that loosen neck muscles. Coordinate breath with neck stretches, moving into circular motions along your hairline. After repeating the entire process three times, you should feel relief. If, at any point, you feel pain, press lighter. If pain continues, stop massaging.
Arms and Shoulders
If you work at a desk all day or perform repetitive motions, practice self massage on your arms and shoulders. Begin by loosening your neck and shoulders before performing self massage on your arms. Apply squeeze and release motions from each side of your neck down each arm. Now you are prepared to perform deep massage on your arms by pressing your forearm with the opposite elbow. Perform this self-massage method at your desk several times a day.