Ultra 90 Dangers
Side Effects
Ultra 90 does not officially identify any potential side effects from taking the supplement. Practically all reviews of this supplement confirm that there are no side effects. If this is true, Ultra 90 will cause no harm toward those who use the supplement.
Why No Side Effects?
Often, supplements and medications will cause potential side effects. It is rare to come across one that does not have at least a few potential side effects, largely due to adverse reactions that may occur when the body interacts with the various active ingredients of a supplement or medication. Ultra 90's only active ingredient is marine collagen protein which is designed to help stimulate collagen production, a structural protein that makes up part of our skin, and helps improve skin health.
Formula Distinction
Ultra 90 is available as a night formula, a morning formula and a liquid formula. Both the p.m. and a.m. formulas contain the same ingredients. The only variation is in the dosage instructions. Dietpillcritic.com notes that the p.m. formula instructs you to abstain from eating anything three hours before sleeping, while the a.m. formula instructs you to wait one hour before eating after waking up. The liquid formula has the same key ingredients with the addition of things such as fructose, cherry flavoring (all natural) and potassium sorbate, all included purely for taste reasons.
Weight Loss
It is highly unlikely that Ultra 90 will help anyone lose weight. According to dietspotlight.com, the manufacturer of Ultra 90 claims that weight loss is achieved thanks to the supplement's collagen formula and toxin removal. There have not been any studies or even any preliminary information that indicates any relationship between collagen formulas and weight loss.
Ultra 90 contains marine collagen protein, aloe vera, vitamin C, safflower oil, gelatin, glycerin, bees' wax and lecithin. None of Ultra 90's natural ingredients have been identified as having a benefit toward weight loss. The ingredients of Ultra 90 are more designed to provide increase in overall skin health; however, even its effectiveness as a toxin remover and skin care supplement is dubious.