Prayer to Quit Smoking
Stop Smoking With Prayer
Prayer is a powerful thing. Many people believe in God's power and strength, and they turn to prayer to help them through many different situations in life. Because smoking is such a powerful addiction, those who believe in prayer will turn to their beliefs to help them through their time to stop.
If you believe in God and in prayer, then you should believe that God will give you the strength to end your bad habit. Prayer is a way of communicating with God, letting him know how you feel and what your needs are, and asking for his help. You can talk to God about anything. Most people who believe in God believe in the scriptures and believe God's promises that he will get you through whatever tribulation you are dealing with.
John 14:13 is one of these promises. It states that "whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son." Chapter 14 goes on to state that, "If ye shall ask anything in my name, I will do it." This is a promise you can include in your prayer. Cling to it and believe it. If you ask God to help you stop smoking and you believe it, he will give you the strength.
Prayer can be done anytime and anywhere. You can ask God to give you the strength to stop smoking while you are driving, while you are working or while you are eating. Whenever you feel the urge to smoke, ask God to give you the strength to get through the craving.
Prayer is the channel in which you have a direct connection with God. It is the avenue to talk and communicate with him like a friend. If you are wanting to quit smoking, talk to God. Say a prayer that you pray daily and reaffirm your relationship with him. He will help you through whatever challenges you face, including stopping smoking.