Natural Treatment for a Sinus Infection
Traditional Treatments for Sinus Infections
Traditional treatments for sinus infections work to reduce inflammation of the sinuses, drain nasal passages and eliminate infection. A variety of medications can be prescribed, from saline nasal sprays to steroid nasal sprays, oral or injected steroids, decongestants and pain relievers. Antibiotics can be prescribed if the cause of the infection is bacterial. Additionally, allergy shots can be prescribed to reduce reactions to allergens or surgery can sometimes alter the sinuses to allow better drainage.
Natural Treatments for Sinus Infections
Some home treatments for sinus infections can both treat and prevent infections. Plenty of rest, increased liquid intake, steaming the sinuses, warm compresses to the face, an elevated head during sleep and rinsing out the nasal passages can all be used to treat sinus infections at home.
The most popular natural remedies include making and using saline rinses with a bulb syringe or using a neti pot. A neti pot is a small pot with a smoothly tapered conical tip at the spout end that fits inside the sufferer's nostrils. The neti pot is filled with warm saline water and the spout is inserted into one nostril, plugging it. The patient's head and the pot are then adjusted to allow the water to flow out of the other nostril, cleansing the sinuses.
Organic apple cider vinegar is another natural remedy for a sinus infection. The vinegar can be taken as a daily tonic when the first signs of a sinus infection (sinus headache, stuffy nose, watery eyes) occur to help prevent the infection. A larger amount of apple cider vinegar can be combined with water and sipped throughout the day, or a smaller amount can be mixed with water and taken at once.
Oil pulling can also work for sinus infections. Gargling and swishing with olive oil can "pull" bacteria out of the system to help cure infection.
Hydrogen peroxide is another natural treatment used for sinus infections. It can be added to saline sprays or the water in a neti pot. The peroxide helps pull the infection out of the body. Additionally, grapefruit seed extract can be added to a neti pot to help treat sinus infections.
Some sinusitis sufferers tout the benefits of sniffing cayenne pepper. The pepper clears the nasal passages and allows for easier breathing.