Detox for Women
Women who have taken birth control pills, or consumed a lot of dairy and red meat, may have an excess of estrogen. Supplementing with L-methionine and L-taurine amino acids can be beneficial in eliminating excess estrogen.
Diet Tips
For a successful detox, women need to consume high-fiber foods to aid in digestion and encourage the removal of excess toxins and estrogen. Fiber-rich foods include whole grains, most nuts and seeds, and fresh fruits and vegetables.
A good detox plan for a woman includes herbs like milk thistle and dandelion root. Milk thistle can help cleanse and repair the liver and dandelion root assists in bile flow, which can help prevent gallstones, which can be a particular concern for postmenopausal women.
Mild exercise, like walking or swimming, improves the flow of the lymphatic system. Improved lymph flow can help a woman's body to abolish toxins, stimulate circulation, help with eliminating cellulite and boost a woman's metabolism.
Chelation Therapy
Chelation therapy, usually in the form of EDTA chelation therapy, is beneficial for women who plan on conceiving a child since they can pass heavy metals, like lead, onto their children during pregnancy. EDTA chelation therapy is specifically for the removal of heavy metals.
Before beginning a detox program, always consult with your health care practitioner. He can work with you and make suggestions on what best suits your particular detoxification needs.