Infrared Heat Therapy for Constipation
Traditional Treatments for Constipation
Constipation is uncomfortable for sufferers and is also bothersome. In normal gastrointestinal systems, muscle contractions easily move the waste products of digestion through the intestines with muscle contractions. Most of the water and salt in the waste are reabsorbed in the large intestine because they are essential for many bodily functions. However, if the colon absorbs too much water or if the muscle contractions are slow, the stool becomes hard or passes too slowly, then constipation occurs.
Traditional medical treatments for constipation vary according to the range and severity of the symptoms. However, most constipation is treated (and prevented) with a change to a healthier diet and the addition of gentle exercise. Additional dietary fiber is also recommended.
Other constipation treatments include hydrating the body with electrolytes and water, administering enemas, using stool softeners, or taking laxatives. Physicians also recommend allowing adequate time for bowel movements. Prescriptions for chloride channel activators, and 5-HT-4 agonists are also written; these all help increase the fluid content of the stool.
Alternative Treatments for Constipation
In addition to traditional medical remedies for constipation, some physicians and nutritionists will recommend massage, acupuncture, or herb-based laxatives to alleviate symptoms. Additionally, Far ("chi") infrared heat therapy can be used to allievate the symptoms of and prevent constipation.
Infrared heat therapy refers to waves of energy that deeply penetrate the human body to gently elevate body temperature and activate major bodily functions. It is heat therapy that is targeted at specific areas of the body through sleeping pads, wraps, heaters, ovens, fabric, and clinical treatments. Infrared therapy expands the capillaries, which stimulates blood flow and assists in circulation. It is also known to kill fungi, bacteria, parasites and viruses. Additionally, it helps detoxify the body by initiating a process that dissolves hidden toxins.
Infrared therapy can be used alone or with hydrotherapy to aid in the treatment of constipation. Infrared therapy helps the body detoxify by releasing toxins into the lymphatic system and the intestines, which can help allieviate constipation. It also primes the intestines before irrigation from hydrotherapy.
Heat can help alleviate the symptoms of constipation by relaxing the colon and eliminating cramps.