Yoga & Asanas for Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Forward Bend
Forward bends help to massage the internal organs and stimulate digestion. They can be done either standing or seated, just about anywhere. Begin sitting on the floor, with the legs together. Inhale and reach up, lengthening the spine. Exhale, and fold forward, reaching for the feet. Allow the head and neck to be relaxed. Take several deep breaths, then sit up. Repeat at least three times.
Seated Spinal Twist
Twists help to tone the abdominal muscles and can stimulate the colon. Begin sitting on the floor with the legs crossed. Place the hands on the knees. Inhale and lengthen the spine. Exhale and twist to the right with your right hand on the floor and left hand pressing against your right knee. Look over the right shoulder. Keep the spine erect and continue to breathe deeply for several breaths. Release the twist and repeat the steps on the left side.
Lying Spinal Twist
Begin lying back on the mat. Inhale and bend both knees into the chest, while extending the arms out to the side. Exhale and drop both knees over the the left side of the body while twisting to look over at the right hand. Inhale and bring the knees back to center. Exhale and drop them over to the right side of the body while twisting and looking over at the left hand. Repeat this process five to six more times on each side.
Breathing Exercises
In addition to aiding relaxation, breathing exercises help to tone the abdominal muscles and expel toxins from the body. The most common exercise in yoga to perform is oujai, or ocean breath.
Relaxation is key to relieving stress and tension which can exacerbate IBS symptoms. Each yoga session should end with several minutes of deep breathing and relaxation.