How to Heal an Ear Infection with Garlic Oil
Things You'll Need
- 1/2 cup olive oil
- 1 glass measuring cup, microwave safe
- 1 to 2 cloves garlic
- Cheesecloth
- Small jar with lid
- Eye dropper or syringe
- Cotton balls
Pour the olive oil in the glass measuring cup. Chop two peeled cloves of garlic and place in cup. Microwave the oil for about a minute. Let it sit for 10 minutes.
Strain the oil through a piece of cheesecloth to remove the garlic pieces. Place the oil in a covered jar and store it in the refrigerator. The oil will keep for about three weeks.
To use the oil, place 1 tsp. over an open flame until lukewarm. Test the oil on the back of your hand to make sure it's not too hot. Have the person lie down, infected ear up. Fill the dropper or syringe and put 1 or 2 drops of oil in the affected ear. Insert a cotton ball in the ear for 30 minutes. Repeat every 1 to 2 hours.