Define Isopropyl Alcohol
What is Isopropyl Alcohol?
Isopropyl Alcohol, more commonly known as "rubbing alcohol," is the name for a colorless compound. This common household item is most commonly used as an antiseptic. It is poisonous if ingested.
How is Isopropyl Alcohol Made?
Isopropyl alcohol is created by combining water and propene. The more common method of creating alcohol is indirect hydration through the sulfuric acid process. The less common method, direct hydration, requires higher-quality propylene than the former process; both process achieve the same result.
Common Uses for Rubbing Alcohol
Isopropyl alcohol is commonly used as a cleaning solvent for electronics, a standard grease remover, a cleaning solution for cuts and scrapes, a body temperature reducer and as a soothing application for sore muscles when rubbed into the skin.
While it is not inherently dangerous, rubbing alcohol shouldn't be used carelessly. It should not be inhaled for too long. It must be stored safely away from children. Rubbing alcohol can cause blindness if you get it in your eyes.
Other Isopropyl Alchohol-like Alternatives
Vinegar can be substituted for some uses if rubbing alcohol is not available. Apple, rice or any type of plain vinegar works for many of the same purposes as isopropyl alcohol, such as cleaning oily and greasy skin.