10 Ways to Get Through Menopause Without Hormones
Black Cohash
According to the North American Menopause Society, women have reported that Black Cohash has helped with hot flashes. It was once believed that Black Cohash acted like estrogen, but research has shown that it does not. This has helped alleviate the concerns of women who want to avoid hormone-based menopausal therapy.
Research has shown that ginseng is effective for helping mood, improving sleep and a feeling of overall well-being.
Prescription Drugs
According to the Mayo Clinic, both low-dose antidepressants and Gabapentin, a seizure medication, can reduce hot flashes.
Getting plenty of exercise can help reduce stress and improve mood. Exercise can also increase sleep quality, which is often disturbed by hot flashes. Yoga, in particular, may be especially beneficial. According to the Mayo Clinic, there are studies showing that yoga may be effective in reducing the number of hot flashes.
Watch What You Drink
Both alcohol and hot beverages can aggravate hot flashes. Try to limit alcohol consumption, and switch to iced tea and iced coffee instead of their warmer versions.
Get Busy
Take up a hobby. Focusing on a hobby works to decrease stress, maintain mood and has benefits similar to meditation.
Get Some Sun
Sunlight is a natural mood elevator. Bone mass can decrease rapidly after menopause, and sun exposure will help your body produce the vitamin D needed for bone health.
Getting plenty of rest can help control mood swings. Hot flashes can interfere with sleeping, so it can be helpful to allow for extra time to try to gain the sleep needed.
Olive Oil
Olive oil is useful to counteract vaginal dryness. Aside from a being a lubricant, it is also absorbed into the tissues and helps maintain tone. Other over-the-counter lubricants, such as KY jelly, can be used as well. Kegel exercises also help to maintain vaginal tone.
A good attitude, above all else, is helpful in getting through menopause. Remember that menopause is not an "end," but rather signifies freedom from cramps, bloating and the possibility of pregnancy. Menopause is simply another stage in life, and a positive attitude goes a long way in getting through it.