Grey Hair Treatment

Grey hair usually occurs as a natural part of aging, but can also happen prematurely due to a number of factors. Some enjoy the mature appearance and respect which grey hair brings, and some dislike being made to look older. If you don't want grey hair, don't despair. Besides the obvious step of simply coloring your hair, there are some other things you can do to treat grey hair.
  1. Causes

    • Grey hair happens when the coloring element in hair, melanin, ceases to be produced. Aging and genetics are the most common reasons for getting grey hair, but you can also begin getting grey hairs because of stress, malnutrition, lack of protein and B12 and severe illness, which can all affect melanin production.

    Home Remedies

    • There are a number of natural home remedies reputed to help restore grey hair to its original color. One is to make a mixture of two parts coconut oil and one part lemon juice. Massage your scalp with the mixture every day for 15 minutes.

      An interesting method of treating both hair loss and grey hair is rubbing the nails of both hands together. It's free, it's easy and there are no side effects! It may seem odd, but according to ayurvedic experts, rubbing your nails together increases the blood flow to your scalp and will both restore color and stop your hair from falling out. If you do this for five to seven minutes per day, your grey hair should begin changing color in about a month.

      You can also use plain black tea to treat grey hair. Prepare a cup of strong black tea. Let it cool. Add a tbs. of salt. Don't worry, you're not going to drink it. If you used tea leaves, strain out any leaves until you just have the liquid. Massage the mixture into your roots. Leave it on for a hour, and then rinse out with plain water. Do not shampoo it out.


    • Since hair can become grey because of malnutrition, you can prevent more grey hair by making sure you are eating the proper amount of vitamins and essential nutrients. Dark green vegetables are a good source of vitamin A, which is necessary for the health of your scalp. Healthy hair and a healthy body also need protein. Meat is an easy source of protein, but you can also get protein from soy, eggs, sprouted whole grains and beans. You can also get B12 from many meats or from milk. If you're vegan and don't want to eat meat or milk, you can get B12 from some fortified breakfast cereals and yeasts. You can also get B12 from some vitamin supplements. Not all have it, though, so be sure to read the labels and do your research before you depend on a supplement for B12.

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