Mist Therapy System
Low-Frequency Ultrasound
Most ultrasound machines used to provide a picture of the inside of a body or to promote healing in tendons and other soft tissue use sound waves with a frequency of between 1 and 3 megahertz. The MIST Therapy System uses a much lower frequency at 40 kilohertz.
According to an article on the Blue Cross of Idaho website, "It has been proposed that low frequency US (ultrasound) in this range may improve wound healing via the production, vibration and movement of micron-sized bubbles in the coupling medium and tissue."
Saline Solution
Most ultrasound machines send sound waves into the body through a gel that is placed on the skin, because if the sound waves were applied directly to the skin they would just bounce off of it. The ultrasound machine has a head that transmits the sound waves. It is rubbed on the gel over the skin. Obviously, this would be very painful if this method was used on someone with an open wound.
The MIST Therapy System uses a saline solution that is turned into a mist. This is sprayed over the wound and the mist has the same effect as the gel, which is to allow the sound waves to enter the body, or in this case the wound site.
This system was shown to be effective in a study done in 2008 by Steven J. Kavros, DPM, and his colleagues at the Mayo Clinic Gonda Vascular Wound Healing Center. The results were written up in the September 2008 issue of <i>Advances in Skin & Wound Care.</i>
The study found that 53 percent of wounds treated with the MIST Therapy System healed in the six-month study. Only 32 percent of the wounds that were treated with the standard care healed.
You will need to contact Celleration to find a clinic near you that offers the MIST Therapy System for treating wounds.
(866) 307-6478