Cures With Epsom Salts
Detoxify Your Body With Epsom Salts
Epsom salts may be used for a detoxifying bath. The mineral is effective for this purpose because as the hot water draws toxins to the skin's surface Epsom salts are absorbed by the skin and help to withdraw toxic substances. They also exfoliate and soften the skin and promote healthy circulation.
Soak Away Sprains and Bruises
An effective way of treating sprains or bruises is to soak them in warm water with Epsom salts added. 1 cup full added to a warm footbath or 2 cups for a whole bath tub will help reduce the inflammation that causes bruising and swelling after this type of minor injury.
Exfoliate, Cleanse and Soften With Epsom Salts
Epsom salts is great for your skin because it has three beneficial properties; it cleanses, exfoliates and softens the skin. Rub a hand full over your body in the shower to remove dead skin cells. Mix a spoon full of the salt with ¼ cup of non-fat milk and juice form one lemon to make a facial mask that will open your pores and cleanse your skin.
Cleanse Your Colon
If you are suffering from constipation or irregular bowel movements, Epsom salts can bring you relief. Simply mix ½ teaspoon full of the salt into a glass of warm water and stir until the salt is completely dissolved then drink. The solution will have a cleansing effect on your colon within 5-10 minutes.
Banish Athlete's Foot
Athlete's foot (tinea pedis) is a fungal infection that affects the skin on the soles of the feet and between the toes. It is an uncomfortable condition that causes soreness and itching. Soaking the feet in Epsom salt solution is and effective sure. If done regularly, twice each day, the athlete's foot should show noticeable signs of clearing within a few days.