Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy for Viruses
Dr. Otto Warburg
Dr. Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize in medicine in 1931 for his discovery that disease, including bacteria, viruses and even cancer, can only live in an oxygen-deprived environment. According to his research, a body that is deprived, even minutely, creates an environment where disease of any kind can live, and conversely, if you have a body that is properly oxygenated, it creates an environment where disease cannot live.
35% Food-Grade Hydrgoen Peroxide
For therapeutic uses of hydrogen peroxide, the only type you want to use is 35 percent food-grade hydrogen peroxide. This formulation is the only type that is safe for consumption, and is easy to dilute to whatever dose you desire.
Different Types of Therapy
There are many different methods for using hydrogen peroxide to oxygenate the body. The most common method is to consume a given number of drops in distilled water three times per day. It is also possible to take hydrogen peroxide intravenously under the supervision of your health care provider. Hydrogen peroxide can be absorbed through the skin by use of a bath where 1 to 8 pt. of a 3 percent solution is added to the bath water. Lastly, it is possible to use hydrogen peroxide through inhalation.
How Hydrgoen Peroxide Thereapy Works
Hydrogen peroxide is a water molecule (H20), with an extra oxygen molecule (H202). When it is ingested, the extra oxygen molecule releases, thereby delivering extra oxygen to the bloodstream. As you increase your dose, the amount of oxygen delivered increases and helps create an oxygen-rich environment.
The Protocol
The basic protocol is to start with three drops of 35 percent food-grade hydrogen peroxide in 8 oz. of distilled water three times per day. Every day you add one drop to your dose until you reach 25 drops. If you have some condition that you are trying to fight off, you can stay at that dose for as long as six weeks, and then taper back down to three drops per day. Then you can continue drinking three drops three times per day, or discontinue treatment.