Facial Massage Methods
Self massage
Applying gentle pressure, sweep your hands up your cheeks. Your hands should have some sort of oil or cream in the palms of your hands. You can also use two fingers between your nose and lips and make circles around your mouth. Also, make small circles from the bridge of your nose to your forehead. You can massage your cheeks by placing your hands on your cheekbones and drawing them firmly down to your jawbone, up to your ears and back to your cheekbones. To massage your eyes, run a knuckle over your eyebrows and down to the outside corner of your eye.
Shiatsu is a Japanese form of massage and is done by professionals. It employs stretching, pounding and kneading. The most important aspect of shiatsu is applying pressure to certain points of the face which are believed to be connected to other body parts. For example, the area around the eyes is connected to the stomach and gall bladder. Pressure on that area is to relieve headaches and eyestrain. The areas around the ears is also connected to the gall bladder and the stomach. Pressure on those areas is to relieve toothaches and dizziness.
Western-style massage uses gentle stroking motions up the face and tiny circles on the muscles. This is typically done by a masseuse. The masseuse first washes the client's face and then begins the massage with a lotion or a cream. Some techniques used in Western style massage includes placing pressure directly under the eyebrows, making circular motions on the cheek muscles and the scalp and stroking the ears.
An acupressure massage consists of stroking techniques, deep-kneading and tapping. An acupressure massage focuses on pressure points to lower stress levels and reduce the signs of aging. When pressure is placed on those points, it also stimulates other areas of the body. It is believed an acupressure massage can boost a person's qi, or life force.This massage is done by a professional.