What Are the Dangers of Novedex?
If you are suffering from diseased liver, kidney, heart or prostate, the active ingredient--Dianestrozole--will exacerbate the condition of the disease.
Consult Physician
As with any medication or supplement, especially those of which that are not FDA-approved, only take Novedex under the advice and monitoring of a doctor.
Women need estrogen created by the body to sustain healthy levels of hormones. Blocking the conversion by taking Novedex will lead to health issues.
Anyone suffering from prostate, testicular or breast cancer are advised to stay away from this product.
Children under age 18 should not take this product as their bodies are still growing and developing, and hormone levels within the body are regulating naturally.
Competitive Athletes
Professional athletes are warned that the use of Novedex may produce a positive blood test of elevated testosterone levels. To avoid risk of disqualification, athletes are advised to contact their organization before taking the supplement.