Uses of Oxygen Supplements
Metabolic Function
Oxygen is stored in blood plasma for metabolic processes. About 70 percent of oxygen that is initially absorbed through the lungs ends up circulating in the plasma, where it provides a continuous distribution of oxygen, much like a reserve. However, during times of stress, such as aerobic activity, the reserve can be depleted by as much as 25 percent. Oxygen supplementation helps to replenish the oxygen reserve within the plasma, where it can be delivered to cells for purposes of increasing energy, stamina, healing, aging and many other functions related to metabolism.
Pain Management
Oxygen, or the lack thereof, is an underlying cause of pain-related symptoms. This is because inflammatory or immune responses cause water and sodium-potassium imbalances, which can deviate cells from homeostasis, reducing their abilities to produce energy. When cells are unable to produce the energy the body needs because of an excess of water and sodium potassium between cells, oxygen is extracted from the bloodstream. Paradoxically, this reduces the amount of oxygen that cells receive from the bloodstream. Ultimately, a prolonged state of this type of imbalance can lead to pain, sickness, disease and even death. By improving the available supply of oxygen within the body and plasma specifically, related pain and sickness can be dramatically reduced.
Oxygen supplementation can optimize the concentration of oxygen we are able to extract from diet and digestion. Complex carbohydrates, including vegetables, whole grains, seeds and nuts, are oxygen-abundant foods that are essential for converting potential energy into chemical energy for life. This being said, a lack of oxygen is a major variable in immuno-depressive illnesses. By increasing the amount of oxygen from nutrition, individuals can invigorate their immunity to specific illnesses and improve overall well-being.