What Are the Benefits of Enemas?
Enemas clean out impacted food and toxins that become stuck in the colon. An enema can make you feel lighter and refreshed once you have removed these toxins.
Colon Cleansing
Lemon and Epson salt enemas work well for cleaning the colon, while lemon juice enemas can help with chronic colitis problems. An alfalfa enema can provide minerals, vitamins and protein for the colon.
Weight Loss
Coffee enemas, which reduce the formation of gallbladder stones, may improve your general health, benefit your skin and help with weight loss.
A chamomile tea enema helps get rid of cramps and diarrhea, as well as help you relax. Yarrow root solution enemas promote general liver, stomach and gland health. Coffee enemas relax blood vessels, which can lead to better circulation.
Catnip enemas can provide energy and help lower fevers, remedy colds and reduce flatulence. (Burdock root solution enemas can help purify the blood and improve kidney function. Good for your eyes and high in iron, a red raspberry leaf enema can also alleviate many female problems.