Define Acidity
The human body has a balance ranging from acidic to alkaline. For years, doctors and researchers have been debating what is a proper body acid balance and how to achieve it. Some researchers think that illnesses can be directly related to a body that is too acidic. What is acidity, what diseases are caused by a too-acidic body, and how can the body achieve proper balance?-
What Is Acidity
The human body has a pH balance, a measure of range between acidic and alkaline. The body's pH balance depends mostly on what we eat and how our bodies process the food. Our bodies should be more alkaline than acidic. The ideal alkaline pH balance should be between 7.35 and 7.45. The body's pH balance can be determined from basic blood work. PH balance urine testing and saliva testing kits can also be purchased.
Result of Too Much Acid
When the body's is too acidic, the excess acid in the form of hydrogen is stored in fat cells and organs. The buildup of acid weakens the body and makes it susceptible to illnesses. Acidosis, or an unhealthy build up of acid, may require medical treatment. The signs of acidosis are weakness, fatigue, nausea, sometimes vomiting and breath that smells like acetone or paint thinner. However problems can still arise from too much acid, even if it has not reached the point of acidosis. An excess of acid can result in a weakened immune system and more frequent infections. Acid creates the perfect pH balance for the growth of viruses and bacteria. An improper body pH balance has also been associated with other problems such as diabetes and arthritis. Gout is one form of arthritis that is directly linked to too much acid in the body. Some even go as far as to suggest that too much acid increases the chance of cancer.
Acid and Alkaline-Based Foods
The number one way to create a proper pH balance is to change what we eat. Our diets are loaded with both foods and drinks that create acidity. Carbonated drinks are high in acidity. They are loaded with phosphorous, which is an acid. Also, aspartame can create more acid in the body, and most of our diet drinks and sweetened diet foods have aspartame in them. In addition, our diets are loaded with animal fats in the form of meat, eggs, and cheeses. These animal fats have a high concentration of acids. A diet that will bring the body into a more normal pH balance should consist of fresh vegetables, low-fat meats such as chicken and soy products. Most fruits contribute to low acidity. However, citrus fruits are high in acid concentration and should be limited.
Other Sources of Acid
While food may be the number one source of acid buildup in the body, other things in our daily environment add to the problem. Chemicals in detergents and cleaning products are often loaded with chemical acids meant to clean. However the chemicals enter our bodies through the skin and by breathing in particles. Also, medications, both over-the-counter and prescription, often have a high acid content, and can add to the improper pH balance within our bodies.
Medical Advice
If you think that your body might be acidic or a test from the drugstore shows up too much acid, it is best to seek medical attention. While most cases of too much acid are mild and can be dealt with at home, the more severe form of too much acid needs to be treated immediately. Acidosis can result in serious medical complications if not treated promptly. Seek immediate medical advise if you or a loved one shows any symptoms of acidosis.