Taurine Supplement Side Effects
Taurine is an amino acid that was discovered in 1827 in ox bile. In 1975, it was discovered that newborns cannot make it, and that led to the promotion of taurine as an essential part of nutrition. The date of the production of the first taurine supplements is not widely known, but they began being produced because of the possibility of taurine deficiency.
The people most at risk of a taurine deficiency are infants, women and vegetarians. Infants cannot make taurine in their bodies, and because formula for babies usually does not include taurine, breast-fed babies have better taurine levels than formula-fed ones. Women have been known to have a taurine deficiency because the presence of female hormones inhibits its production. Vegetarians are also usually at risk because taurine is predominantly found in sources of protein such as dairy products and meats.
The benefits of taking taurine supplements if your levels are low are numerous. It helps boost the immune system, keeps diabetes at bay and aids in digestion. Other less-known uses for taurine supplements include treatment for depression, low sperm count and eye disease.
Side Effects
There are no major known side effects of taurine supplements, but that does not mean one can't have an adverse reaction. It is recommended that you report any side effects to your doctor while taking a taurine supplement, even if it is only that things "don't feel right."
Expert Insight
Anyone that is thinking of taking a taurine supplement should undergo testing, no matter their sex, age or eating habits. For example, a professional can recommend whether in your current physical condition it is safe to take taurine because it is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women. For some people, your taurine levels might not be the only low levels in your body. For this, a doctor will be able to recommend or prescribe a multisupplement to help with multiple nutrient or other essential substance levels.