Information on Colonic Colon Cleansing

Colonic colon cleansing or colonic irrigation has been readily available since the early 1900s and has been used to aid the removal of waste, parasites, bacteria, infection and possible future illnesses. Although there are various types of colonic colon cleansing, the method is usually always the same. The main variation of different types of colonic colon cleansing is based on the cleansing fluid or liquid used during a colonic cleanse.
  1. Ancient Egypt

    • Although Western modern civilization began using colonic colon cleansing as part of a health treatment in the early 1900s, the Ancient Egyptians were known to practice the same technique, almost in a Gospel manner. This is because the Ancient Egyptians believed that many and if not all illnesses began in the colon or bowel area. Colonic colon cleansing was used as a cure as well as a prevention of ancient medical conditions.

    Types of Colonics and Fluids

    • A colonic colon cleanse is also known as colonic irrigation, high colonic, aquis colonic hydrotherapy, colonic therapy and colonic hydrotherapy. The most common fluids used during a colonic colon cleansing are sterilized water and coffee but there are other modern day fluid alternatives available from a professional colonic therapist. These would include sterilized water with essences, antibacterials and natural herbal alternatives.


    • It is always best to have a colon cleansing treatment within a professional colon cleansing treatment center because if not performed properly with the right tools and measurements, there is a high chance of physical damage to your body and even your heart. Special tubing is inserted into the anus and gently maneuvered into the colon area. Once the colonic irrigation tube is positioned correctly, fluids in excess of several gallons are sparingly poured into the tubing to begin the process of flushing out all of the unwanted feces, waste and parasites.


    • Self colon cleansing packs may seem inspiring but unless you know what you are doing, do not do it. There is a high risk of tearing the anus and causing infection or the possibility of ripping a hole into the colon surface causing infection and/or internal bleeding. If you develop a high temperature, nausea or pain after a self colon cleansing treatment, call you doctor immediately.


    • Colon cleansing is seen as something that not only just removes waste and unwanted products, but can also provide an individual with a feeling of lighter cleanliness. It also provides a faster detoxification process for the human body compared with some detox diets and regimes.

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