Liver Detoxification
Bad Behaviors
There are a certain number of things people shouldn't do because it damages the liver. Drinking alcohol, especially in any kind of excess, is chief on the list for damaging the liver. Eating a large number of fatty and unhealthy foods is another. The liver, like any other organ, needs a certain number of nutrients and vitamins to keep it running properly.
For those who want to help cleanse their liver with a diet change, there are certain antioxidants that are necessary. Vitamin C, beta carotene, vitamin E and selenium are all powerful antioxidants that can help in the liver detoxification process.
There are also a variety of herbs that assist in liver detoxification. Milk thistle has been shown to lower circulating fat and to protect liver cells from damage. Artichoke also inhibits cholesterol creation in the body, and keeps liver cells safe much like milk thistle. Dandelion root is also useful for helping the liver move toxins into feces, which means there are fewer toxins coming around to the liver a second time before they're moved out of the body.
Coffee Enema
A strange, and often laughed at, method for detoxifying the liver is the coffee enema. A low volume enema containing coffee will go into the sigmoid colon, which is directly connected to the liver. The caffeine stimulates the production of an enzyme in the liver that helps promote cleansing and detoxification.
Before attempting any radical changes to detoxify your liver, check with your doctor first. Some methods may contain herbs that will cause an allergic reaction or that will interact with drugs that you may be taking for prescription reasons. People who already have a liver condition may not be able to use certain liver detoxification methods. To be safe, make your doctor a part of your detoxification health plan.